The Lustgarten Foundation is the largest private funder of pancreatic cancer research in the world.
To date, we’ve invested over $287.2M in high-risk, high-reward research to accelerate and expand life-saving treatment options. We lead a unique, collaborative, science-focused strategy and have been a driving force in every major advancement in pancreatic cancer research since 1998.
Progress is paramount. We drive bold, innovative research with the singular mission: transforming pancreatic cancer into a curable disease.
Lustgarten Announcements
Keeping you informed about recent changes and challenges affecting public funding for cancer research in the United States. As of March 10th, 2025 For over 25 years, the Lustgarten Foundation […]
Abby’s story
From Nurse to Patient
Abby was in complete shock when she was diagnosed. It never occurred to her as a young, active person with no family history of the disease, that she could have a PNET. Despite being scared, she never wavered in her belief that an excellent medical team, positive thinking, hope and her strong faith would carry her through.
Read Abby’s StoryNews from Our Partners
Let’s Win Pancreatic Cancer
Let’s Win Pancreatic Cancer Introduces New Features to Help Patients
Let’s Win Pancreatic Cancer has released their enhanced patient-centered navigation and two powerful new tools. These changes allow Let’s Win to further its mission of guiding patients and caregivers with vital information for better outcomes.
» Check out these New Features to Help Patients «
Trial Finder:
Doctor Finder:
AACR Special Conference Highlights Advances in Pancreatic Cancer Research
With survival rates hovering around 13 percent five years after diagnosis, the need for innovative and effective pancreatic cancer treatment remains critical. The good news is the recent meeting of the AACR showed a dedicated global effort is underway not only to better understand pancreatic cancer but also to find ways to better treat this disease.
Pancreatic Cancer Research Updates from ASCO 2024
The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting brought together physician-scientists and researchers from across the world to showcase potentially promising treatment breakthroughs for many different types of cancer.
» Learn more about pancreatic cancer research updates from ASCO 2024 «
Genetic Testing Changed My Chemo Protocol
In Spring 2015, Greg Jacobson started having pain in his upper left abdomen a constant nausea. After a series of blood tests, a CT scan, a PET scan, an endoscopy and a colonoscopy, Greg was diagnosed with stage III pancreatic and duodenal cancer. Getting the right chemo protocol was a gamechanger in Greg’s treatment.
In Safe Hands: Selecting the Right Whipple Surgeon
When it comes to picking the right surgeon for a complex surgery like the Whipple procedure (also known as pancreaticoduodenectomy), it quite literally can be a life-or-death choice. So where do you even begin?
» Read more to find out how to pick the best surgeon for you «