Facebook is a great tool for reaching your circle of family and friends. In fact, the average Facebook Fundraiser brings in at least $500! And we’ve made it easy by integrating Facebook Fundraiser into our fundraising pages, so your activity is synced across both platforms. Follow these simple instructions to activate Facebook Fundraiser for your account.

Tips for Fundraising Success

  • Make it personal – Tell friends why the cause is important to you. Share a personal story, remember someone you care about or provide hope and inspiration.
  • Invite friends – Creating the fundraiser will attract some attention, but to truly take advantage of it, invite the people you want to be notified.
  • Follow up – A few days after creating your fundraiser, post again to increase your visibility. The more times people see your message, the more likely they are to support your cause.
  • Thank and amplify – When asking followers for donations, tag and thank those who have already donated. By tagging friends and family, your message can reach even further!

Sample Posts

  • Supporting pancreatic cancer research is important to me! I just registered for the Lustgarten Foundation’s Walk for Research. every donation funds pancreatic cancer research. Can I count on your donation? 
  • I’m supporting the Lustgarten Foundation by hosting a fundraiser to benefit pancreatic cancer research and to help the Foundation create more long-term survivors. But I can’t do it alone! Will you support my [virtual game night/talent show/happy hour/online class]? Click on the link to donate to my event! Remember, at the Lustgarten Foundation, every donation funds pancreatic cancer research.

Thanks for signing up!
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