Managing pancreatic cancer requires a wealth of information. This comprehensive list of organizations and services will help patients and caregivers navigate this challenging disease.  

Cancer Organizations and Associations

American Cancer Society
General information, resources and statistics about all forms of cancer.
Phone: 1.800.227.2345

American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer
Navigate the surgery process and assist in finding a surgeon.
Phone: 1.800.621.4111

National Cancer Institute (NCI)
A wealth of information including a patient hotline and clinical trial finder.
Phone: 1.800.422.6237

The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS)
Cancer advocacy group that promotes policy change to ensure quality cancer care.
Phone: 1.877.622.7937

National Comprehensive Cancer Network Patient Resources (NCCN)
NCCN is a not-for-profit alliance devoted to patient care, research, and education.
Phone: 215.690.0300

The American Association for Cancer Research
Exists to prevent and cure cancer through research, education, communication, and collaboration.
Phone: 215.440.9300

Clinical Trial Search and Services

Many clinical trials are currently being conducted on pancreatic cancer. While we encourage you to use our clinical trial finder at Emerging Med, other clinical trial finders include:
Pancreatic Cancer Collective Supported Clinical Trials

National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health
Phone: 1.800.4.CANCER (1.800.422.6237)

CenterWatch Clinical Trials Listing Service™
Phone: 1.888.838.5578

Clara Health
Phone:  415.326.8831

Government Agencies

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Benefits: 1.800.827.1000
Healthcare Benefits: 1.877.222.8387

Phone: 1.800.MEDICARE (1.800.633.4227)

Social Security Administration

Hospice and Palliative Care

National Association for Home Care & Hospice
Consumer information including a service provider directory.
Phone: 202.547.7424

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
Improving end-of-life care and expanding access to hospice care.
Phone: 703.837.1500

Insurance and Financial Issues

The Assistance Fund
An independent charitable patient assistance organization that helps patients and families facing high medical out-of-pocket costs, has a copay assistance program for people living with pancreatic cancer. The program is designed to help eligible individuals pay for their out-of-pocket medical expenses related to pancreatic cancer, such as copays, deductibles, and coinsurance.
Phone: 1.855.845.3663 Managing Finances and Covering the Mortgage During Cancer Treatment
Written by Deb Gordon, author of The Health Care Consumer’s Manifesto

National Association of Community Health Centers, Inc.®
Community Health Centers serve as the primary medical home for more than 27 million people in 10,400 rural and urban communities across America.
Phone: 301.347.0400

Free information on programs helping people who can’t afford medications and healthcare costs.
Phone: 1.800.503.6897

Patient Advocate Foundation
Professional case management services to Americans with chronic, life-threatening and debilitating illnesses.
Phone: 1.800.532.5274

Patient Information

Information for people with cancer and their families and caregivers from the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
Phone: 1.888.651.3038

Coping With Cancer Magazine
Easy-to-read magazine about coping with cancer.
Phone: 615.790.2400 

Let’s Win! Pancreatic Cancer
Patients and caregivers share information about new, innovative pancreatic cancer treatments and learn about the latest research breakthroughs.
Phone: 212.359.9390 

Medline Plus Health Information
Information from the National Library of Medicine written at the patient level.

Information for patients and healthcare providers written by oncologists.


CancerCare, Inc.
Counseling and support groups over the phone, online and in-person, educational workshops, publications and financial and co-payment assistance.
Phone: 1.800.813.4673

NCI’s LiveHelp Service
Specialists answer questions about cancer, clinical trials and the process of quitting smoking. LiveHelp is confidential and does not provide specific medical advice.

Pancreatic Cancer Connections
A partnership between the Lustgarten Foundation, Let’s Win! Pancreatic Cancer and Inspire, Pancreatic Cancer Connections is an easy-to-use, online support community where patients and their loved ones can communicate about pancreatic cancer with others on the same journey.

Travel and Housing Services

The Air Care Alliance
Nationwide association of humanitarian flying organizations. Members have safely flown over 24,000 patients to and from medical treatments.
Phone: 1.888.260.9707

Corporate Angel Network, Inc. (CAN®)
Charitable organization whose sole mission is to transport cancer patients to the hospital where they need to receive a specialized form of treatment.
Phone: 914.328.1313

Healthcare Hospitality Network
Nationwide association of more than 200 nonprofit organizations that provide lodging and supportive services to patients and families with medical emergencies.
Phone: 1.800.318.8861

Patient AirLift Services (PALS)
Arranges free air transportation for individuals requiring medical diagnosis, treatment or follow-up who cannot afford or are unable to fly commercially.
Phone: 631.694.PALS (7257)

Patient Travel Referral Program
Information about charitable, long-distance medically-related transportation and referrals to sources of help available in the national charitable medical transportation network.
Contact form:

Apps and Webinars

Designed by doctors, patients and caregivers, Canceraid is the number one cancer app in the U.S., U.K. and Australia. 

Webinar by Johns Hopkins
30-minute webinar which provides information about surgery, chemotherapy and immunotherapy.

Registries, Screening Centers and NCI-Designated Cancer Centers

Familial Registries

Familial registries are powerful resources to gain a better understanding of pancreatic cancer. The following registries are set up to identify families in which multiple members have been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Researchers search for genes that may be the cause of pancreatic cancer. It is hoped that early detection methods and novel treatments will result from these efforts.

Columbia University Medical Center
PREDICT: Pancreatic disease cohort: A Registry and Biospecimen Bank to Better Understand Pancreatic Disease
Contact: Vilma Rosario
Phone: 212.305.6033

Creighton University
Hereditary Cancer Center
Phone: 402.280.2700

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Pancreatic Cancer Genes Study (PAGES)
Contact: Sapna Syngal MD, MPH
Principal Investigator
Phone: 617.632.5022
Contact: Chinedu Ukaegbu, MBBS, MPH
Project Manager
Phone: 617.632.6355

Indiana Familial Pancreatic Cancer Roster
Phone: 317.944.3966

Johns Hopkins Medicine Pathology
Phone: 410.955.3512

Memorial Healthcare System
Phone: 1.954.265.9520

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Dr. Robert C. Kurtz
Principal Investigator
Phone: 212.639.7620
Research Assistant Phone: 646.888.8319

Pancreatic Cancer Collaborative Registry
Contact: Michelle Desler, MS
Phone: 402.559.8885

Oregon Health & Science University
Brenden-Colson Center for Pancreatic Care- Oregon Pancreas Tissue Registry
Phone: 503.494.8988

Huntsman Cancer Institute

The Jefferson Pancreas Tumor Registry, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
Phone: 215.955.5542

Screening Centers and Programs

Baylor College of Medicine
The Elkins Pancreas Center
Phone: 1.877.PANC.CTR (1.877.726.2287)

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Gastrointestinal Cancer Genetics and Prevention Program
New patients: 617.632.2178
Established patients: 617.632.5022 

CAPS is for those considered at high risk for pancreatic cancer due to a family history or genetic mutation. Participants are offered genetic counseling and pancreatic screenings. that may include a combination of endoscopic ultrasonography, MRI, and CT scans. The CAPS study is taking place at eight institutions across the country. Contact information for each participating center can be found here.

Fox Chase Cancer Center
Risk Assessment Program
Phone: 877.627.9684

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Phone: 206.677.5000

MD Anderson Cancer Center
The Pancreatic Cancer Moonshot™ initiative includes methods to identify pancreatic cancer earlier and provide a multidisciplinary clinic for individuals at high risk of pancreatic cancer.
Phone: 1.855.724.1365

The Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin Clinical Cancer Center
Greater Midwest Pancreatic Cancer Screening Clinic
Phone: 414.805.3666

Indiana University Hospital
Pancreatic Cyst and Cancer Early Detection Center
Phone: 317.948.8358

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center
The National Familial Pancreas Tumor Registry (NFPTR) and the Multidisciplinary Pancreatic Cyst Program are programs of the Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center.
Cyst Program: 410.955.5800

Memorial Healthcare System
Genetic counseling, blood tests, imaging, and endoscopy are offered to patients who have a family history of pancreatic cancer.
Phone: 954.265.9520

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Epidemiology & Biostatistics/#02-102 MSKCC Pancreatic Tumor Registry
Phone: 1.800.525.2225

New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center
Muzzi Mirza Pancreatic Cancer Prevention and Genetics Program
Phone: 212.305.9467

Northwell Health Pancreatic Cancer Center
Pancreatic Cancer Center
Phone: 833.762.7327

Oregon Health & Science University
Center for Early Detection and Research (CEDAR)
Phone: 503.494.1617

NYU Langone Perlmutter Cancer Center
Phone: 212.731.5655

Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University
Gastrointestinal Cancer Prevention Clinic
Phone: 312.695.5620

University of California – Los Angeles
UCLA Agi Hirshberg Center for Pancreatic Diseases
Phone: 310.206.6889

University of California – San Francisco
Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center Pancreas Center
Phone: 415.353.7390

University of Chicago Medicine
Pancreatic Cancer Early Detection Clinic
Phone: 1.855.702.8222

University of Michigan Health System
Cancer Genetics Clinic
Phone: 734.763.2532

University of Pennsylvania Abramson Cancer Center
Gastrointestinal Cancer Risk Evaluation Program
Phone: 215.349.8222

University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Hereditary GI Tumor Program
Phone: 412.647.2811

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center
Pancreatic Cancer Prevention Program
214.645.8300 or 817.882.2700

University of Virginia Health System Emily Couric Clinical Cancer Center
High Risk Pancreatic Cancer Clinic
Phone: 434.243.5233

University of Washington Division of Gastroenterology
Familial Pancreatic Cancer & Surveillance

Gastroenterology Clinic at Harborview
This center is for patients with a strong family history of pancreatic cancer who are interested in surveillance.
Phone: 1.877.520.5000

Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center
Hereditary Cancer Clinic
Phone: 615.343.7400

Yale School of Medicine
Pancreas Disease Program
333 Cedar Street
New Haven, CT 06510

National Cancer Institute Designated Cancer Centers

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is a federal agency for cancer research and training. The NCI Cancer Centers are recognized for scientific leadership and resources. The Comprehensive Cancer Center designation is reserved for those centers with the highest achievements in cancer research, clinical care, education, and community contributions. Studies show being treated at NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers leads to better survival and recovery rates due to the level of care, diverse oncology disciplines, subspecialty expertise and multidisciplinary teams as well as access to clinical trials.

The NCI recognizes 2 types of centers: *Cancer Centers and **Comprehensive Cancer Centers.

Each type of center has special characteristics and capabilities for organizing new programs of research that can take advantage of significant  new findings and address timely research questions. It is important to note, however, that the terms Comprehensive Cancer Center and Cancer Center do not denote a difference in the quality of care provided to patients.

A list of these centers can also be found at or by calling 1.800.4.CANCER.


**University of Alabama at Birmingham Comprehensive Cancer Center
Phone: 205.975.8222
Toll-Free: 1.800.822.0933 (1.800.UAB.0933)


**Arizona Cancer Center, University of Arizona
Phone: 520.694.2873 (694.CURE)
Toll-Free: 1.800.524.5928


**City of Hope National Medical Center
Beckman Research Institute
Phone: 626.256.4673 (626.256.HOPE)
New Patient Services: 1.800.826.4673

*Salk Institute Cancer Center
Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Phone: 858.453.4100

*Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute
Phone: 858.646.3100

**UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center
University of California at San Diego
Appointments: 858.822.6100
General Information: 1.866.773.2703

**Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of California Los Angeles, CA
Administrative Office: 310.825.5268
UCLA Cancer Hotline: 1.888.662.8252

**University of Southern California
Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center
General Information: 323.865.3000
Phone: 1.800.872.2273 (1.800.USC.CARE)

**Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of California at Irvine
Appointments: 714.456.8000
Physician Referral Service: 1.877.824.3627

*Stanford Cancer Institute
Stanford University
Referral Center: 650.498.6000
Phone: 1.877.668.7535

**UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of California at Davis
New Patient Referral Office: 916.703.5210
General Information: 916.734.5959

**UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of California at San Francisco
Appointments & Physician Referral Service: 1.888.689.8273
International Inquiries: 415.353.8489


**University of Colorado Cancer Center
Adult Cancer Care: 720.848.0300


**Yale Cancer Center
Yale University School of Medicine
Patient Care: 203.785.4191
Toll-Free: 1.866.925.3226


**Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center
Georgetown University
Appointments: 202.444.2223
Cancer Line: 202.444.4000


**Moffitt Cancer Center
Phone: 813.745.4673 (813.745.HOPE)
New Patient/Physician Referral: 1.888.860.2778


*Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University
Phone: 404.778.1900


* University of Hawaii Cancer Center
Phone: 808.586.3010


**University of Chicago Cancer
Phone: 1.855.702.8222

**Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center
Northwestern University
Appointments: 1.866.587.4322 (1.866.LURIE.CC)


*Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center
Phone: 317.944.5000
Appointments & Referrals: 317.944.0920


**Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of Iowa Appointments & Referrals: 319.384.8442
Cancer Information Service: 1.800.237.1225


*University of Kansas Cancer Center
Phone: 913.588.1227 or 844.323.1227


*Markey Cancer Center
University of Kentucky
Phone: 859.257.4500
Toll-Free: 1.866.340.4488


**Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center
Johns Hopkins University
Phone: 410.955.5222
Appointments & Referral: 410.955.8964

**Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of Maryland
Main and New Appointments: 410.328.7904
Toll-Free: 1.800.888.8823


**Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Phone: 617.632.3000
Spanish Speakers: 617.632.3673

*David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Phone: 617.253.6403


**University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of Michigan
Cancer Answer Line: 1.800.865.1125

**The Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute
Wayne State University School of Medicine
Appointments: 1.800.527.6266(1.800.KARMANOS)


**Masonic Cancer Center
University of Minnesota Cancer Center
Cancer Information Line: 612.624.2620
Patient Appointments: 612.672.7422
IA, MN, ND, SD, WI: 1.888.226.2376

**Mayo Clinic Cancer Center
Phone: 507.284.2511


**Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center
Washington University School of Medicine and Barnes-Jewish Hospital
Phone: 314.747.7222
Toll-Free: 1.800.600.3606


*Fred and Pamela Buffet Cancer Center
Nebraska Medicine and the University of Nebraska
Medical Center Care Center: 402.559.6500
Medical Call Center – Physician & Service Referral: 402.559.5600


**Norris Cotton Cancer Center
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Administration: 603.653.9000
Cancer Helpline: 1.800.639.6918


**Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
Phone: 732.235.2465


**University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center
Phone: 505.272.4946
In New Mexico: 1.800.432.6806


*Albert Einstein Cancer Center
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Phone: 718.862.8840

**Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Phone: 716.845.2300

*Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center at NYU Langone Cancer Center
Phone: 212.263.3276

**Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Phone: 212.639.2000
Patients: 212.639.4900
Toll-Free: 1.888.675.7722

**Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center
Columbia University
Phone: 212.305.2500
24 Hour Hotline: 1.877.697.9355

*The Tisch Cancer Institute
Mount Sinai Cancer Center New York, NY
Administration: 212.659.5600
Patient Information: 212.241.6756


**UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Phone: 919.966.3036
Appointment information: 1.866.869.1856

**Duke Cancer Institute
Duke University Medical Center
Consultation and Referral Service: 1.888.275.3853; 1.888.ASK.DUKE

**Comprehensive Cancer Center of Wake Forest University
Phone: 336.716.7971
Appointments: 336.716.WAKE
Toll-Free: 888.716.WAKE


**Case Comprehensive Cancer Center
Case Western Reserve University
Phone: 216.368.1122

**The James
Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center
Phone: 216.368.1122
Patient Information Desk: 614.293.3300


*Stephenson Cancer Center
University of Oklahoma
Patient Care: 405.271.1112
Phone: 1.800.750.2273


*Knight Cancer Institute
Oregon Health & Science University
Cancer Institute: 503.494.1617
Health Care Services/OHSU Switchboard: 503.494.8311
Phone: 1.888.222.6478


**Abramson Cancer Center
University of Pennsylvania
Phone: 215.615.5858

*The Wistar Institute Cancer Center
The Wistar Institute
Phone: 215.898.3700

**Fox Chase Cancer Center
Temple Health
New patient appointments: 215.728.2570
Cancer information line: 1.888.369.2427

*Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center
Thomas Jefferson University
Phone: 215.503.5692

**UPMC Hillman Cancer Center
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Phone: 412.623.3205


*Hollings Cancer Center
Medical University of South Carolina
Phone: 843.792.0700
Health Connection Line: 1.800.424.6872 (1.800.424.MUSC)


**Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center
Vanderbilt University
Phone: 615.936.8422
Toll-free: 1.877.936.8422


**Dan L. Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center
Baylor College of Medicine
Phone: 713.798.1354

**The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Phone: 713.792.6161
Toll-free: 1.877.632.6789

*Mays Cancer Center
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Phone: 210.450.1000
Cancer information line: 1.800.340.2872

**Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Phone: 214.645.HOPE (4673)
Toll-Free: 866.460.HOPE (4673)


*Huntsman Cancer Institute
University of Utah
Phone: 801.585.0303
HCI Main: 1.877.585.0303


*University of Virginia Cancer Center
University of Virginia, Health Sciences Center
Phone: 434.924.3627
Toll-Free: 1.800.223.9173

*Massey Cancer Center
Virginia Commonwealth University
Phone: 804.828.0450
New Patients: 804.828.5116


**Fred Hutchinson/University of Washington Cancer Consortium
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
New patients/intake: 206.288.1024
Phone: 206.288.7222


**Carbone Cancer Center
University of Wisconsin
Phone: 608.263.8600
Cancer Connect: 1.800.622.8922

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