Northwell Health Cancer Institute Pancreas Symposium
The future of personalized pancreatic cancer treatments across the continuum of multidisciplinary care
The future of personalized pancreatic cancer treatments across the continuum of multidisciplinary care
This day and a half long, in-person symposium is a combined effort of MSK’s Hepatopancreatobiliary Disease Management Team (HPB DMT) and Center for Pancreatic Cancer Research (CPCR) and will provide a comprehensive review of the epidemiology, genomic, and immunologic features […]
$5 donation, one complimentary drink and snacks. There will be a 50/50 raffle and silent auction.
From Thursday, December 5- Saturday, December 7, shop during the Americana Manhasset's Champions for Charity event, and have 25% of your full-price pre-tax purchase contributed to the Lustgarten Foundation.