Legacy of Hope
The Lustgarten Foundation began in 1998 with a diagnosis. After six months of seeking answers, 51-year-old Marc Lustgarten was finally diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He learned there was little treatment or research available to better understand and treat the disease. So Marc began making plans for a foundation to change the odds for patients like him and to provide what they most lacked: Hope.
Though Marc would not live long enough to see his Foundation come to life, we have remained steadfast in our single, focused goal of curing pancreatic cancer. Today, we are the largest private funder of pancreatic cancer research in the world and have directed more than $287 million to scientific and clinical research.
Make a Lasting Impact
Like Marc, you, too, can make a lasting impact on the lives of future pancreatic cancer patients by joining our Legacy of Hope donors. There are many ways to participate in planned giving, from allocating a set donation amount in your will to donating a percentage of your estate and assets upon your death. When you donate to the Lustgarten Foundation through your will, you may experience financial and tax benefits, while also ensuring the work of the Foundation will endure until a cure for pancreatic cancer can be discovered.
Options include:
- Gifts of stock
- Beneficiaries
- Donor-Advised Funds (DAF)
- Qualified Charitable Gift Distributions (QCD)
- Bequests
- Charitable Gift Annuities (CGA)
- Gifts of Life Insurance
- Gifts of Real Estate
- Transfers of IRA or other Retirement Account Funds
- Pooled Income Funds
- Charitable Remainder Unitrusts (CRUT)
- Gifts of Personal Items (such as art and other collectibles)
Benefits of Planned Giving
Joining the Legacy of Hope allows you to support the Foundation during your lifetime and beyond. You don’t have to choose between supporting the fight against pancreatic cancer and securing the financial safety of your family—some planned gifts may even provide long-term income to your survivors. Other gift plans use estate and tax planning to provide for both heirs and nonprofit organizations in ways that may maximize the gift proceeds, while minimizing its effect on the donor’s estate.
The Foundation can help you determine which planned gift option may best meet your financial situation and long-term wishes. This includes establishing what assets are most appropriate to use in funding your donation, the timing of your gift, effect on income tax and estate planning and any impact on your family and friends. When considering your charitable goals and objectives, we strongly encourage you to seek the counsel of your legal, tax or financial advisor before finalizing any gift intention.
Planned giving resources and information provided by the Lustgarten Foundation are offered as a guide to help donors consider what type of gifts may best meet your philanthropic goals. This information should not be considered accounting, investment, legal, tax or other professional financial advice.
For more information, contact Stephanie DerGarabedian, National Director of Development, at 516.737.1521 or [email protected].