Request for Applications: Lustgarten Foundation Innovation & Collaboration Program

Applications are due January 6, 2025.
Submissions must be through ProposalCentral

  • Submission Deadline: January 6, 2025
  • Selection Notification Date: April 2025
  • Earliest Anticipated Start: June 2025

I. Goal and research strategy of the Lustgarten Foundation

The intent of this program is to provide seed funding for highly innovative research with significant potential to accelerate the mission of the Lustgarten Foundation. Proposals should address key outstanding questions and have the potential to lead to a change in the current paradigm or conventional wisdom. Proposals that involve collaborations across groups or that bring new expertise and/or technology into the field will be preferred.

Preliminary data is not required in the proposal, but the underlying premise or hypothesis must be plausible and testable, and the proposal must be focused on a well-defined goal that is achievable within the timeframe of the award. Preliminary data is not required in the proposal, but the underlying premise or hypothesis must be plausible and testable, and the proposal must be focused on a well-defined goal that is achievable within the timeframe of the award.

Research topics are not restricted but may address topics relevant to the priorities and goals of the Lustgarten Foundation (Early Detection and Interception, Therapeutic Development, Personalized Medicine). Preference will be given to proposals addressing understudied and/or poorly understood aspects of pancreatic cancer biology.

The Innovation and Collaboration Program is not intended to support proposals aiming to incrementally advance existing hypotheses, ongoing areas of research, or proposals with the sole goal of generating novel reagents or resources.

II. Research Plan

The research plan must be submitted using the template available on ProposalCentral and may not exceed 3 pages, including figures and tables, but not including references. The research plan should include the following information: Statement of Innovation and Significance to Pancreatic Cancer, Specific Aims, Research Design and Methods, Potential Impact and Next Steps if Successful.

III. Qualifications and Requirements of Research Investigator

A. Engaged in significant pancreatic cancer and/or relevant focus area research as a Principal Investigator.

B. Holds an independent faculty position or equivalent.

C. Willingness to interact and/or collaborate with the larger network of Lustgarten Foundation-funded investigators and laboratories.

IV. Review Process

A. Applications must be submitted through ProposalCentral and will be due Jan 6, 2025.

B. Applications will be competitively reviewed by a panel of peer reviewers.

C. Applicants selected for funding will be notified by April 2025, with the earliest anticipated start in June 2025.

V. Incentive and Award funding program

A. Requested budgets will be considered and evaluated as part of the competitive selection process.

B. Grants up to $110,000 (including indirect costs) for one year will be considered.

C. Indirect costs may not exceed a maximum of 10% of direct costs.

D. PIs may use the NIH Salary Cap ($212,100) if the base salary exceeds the federal capitation.

E. An annual scientific progress report and financial reports will be required.

F. Funded investigators will be expected to have regular interaction with Lustgarten Foundation scientific staff and will be expected to be willing to interact and/or collaborate with the larger network of Lustgarten Foundation-funded investigators and laboratories.

Questions regarding this Request for Proposals should be directed to:

Sejin Chung, Ph.D.
Program Scientist, Research

Sasha Singh
Grants Manager

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